Christian Counseling

Where faith and psychology blend to bring healing!

Is this you?

Have you tried and tried to walk away from the hurt and ended up right back at the depression, worry, tension, conflict, anger, or pain?

Do you feel like your emotions are controlling your life and stopping you from making decisions because it is easier to push them down then to deal with them?

Does it seem like your thoughts are flooded by all that is wrong in life, and so you don’t make a move because you don’t know which struggle to tackle first?

Have you tried all the solutions you know how to do, and they don’t get you where you want to be?

Your hurt matters to me.

Your hurt matters to me so much that I want to offer you a way to start the healing process right now for free. Below is a link to a free tool that helps you break down what you would like to focus on, which problems need counseling, and which problems don’t. It has five steps and requires a pen/pencil and about ten pieces of paper.


couples looking towards a mountain and lake

Couples Therapy

man overlooking a mountain sunset

Trauma Therapy

purple brain


holding hands

Premarital Counseling

Family Counseling


“The tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis for all human mental illness.”

Scott Peck - The Road Less Traveled